Chrome 122 New V8 security setting

Chrome address bar: chrome://settings/content/v8

Default is to Sites can use the V8 optimizer

Set to Don’t allow sites to use the V8 optimizer

Can add Customized behaviors for specific sites if trouble occurs with a specific site

From Chrome Enterprise and Education release notes
Last updated on: February 16, 2024

New V8 security setting back to top
Chrome 122 adds a new setting on chrome://settings/security to disable the V8 JIT optimizers, to reduce the attack surface of Chrome browser. This behavior continues to be controlled by the DefaultJavaScriptJitSetting enterprise policy, and the associated JavaScriptJitAllowedForSites and JavaScriptJitBlockedForSites policies. The setting is integrated into Site Settings. The enterprise policies have been available since Chrome 93.

Chrome 122 on ChromeOS, LaCrOS, Linux, MacOS, Windows, Fuchsia

V8 JavaScript engine

Patch vCenter Now!

VMware has released patches that address a new critical security advisory, VMSA-2021-0010 (CVE-2021-21985 &  CVE-2021-21986). This needs your immediate attention if you are using vCenter Server (if you didn’t get an email about it, please subscribe to our Security Advisories mailing list). In most cases a security advisory is straightforward, but sometimes there are nuances that are worth extra discussion. That is the case here, and the goal of this post is to help you decide your course forward.

VMSA-2021-0010: What You Need to Know – VMware vSphere Blog

VMSA-2021-0010 (